Global healthcare leaders advance sector decarbonisation at COP28

行业优先,多方协议 in China and India to unlock at least 70 megawatts of renewable power capacity for global 供应 chains

New public-private collaboration to develop frameworks to measure the environmental impact of medicines and delivery of patient care

To accelerate the transition to net zero health systems, global healthcare leaders from the Sustainable Markets Initiative Health Systems Task Force are in advanced discussions with energy providers in China and India to scale renewable power across their 供应 chains. This is the first time that companies from across the global healthcare sector – including 澳门在线赌城娱乐, 葛兰素史克公司, 诺和诺德公司, 罗氏公司 – have come together to pioneer such initiatives in these countries. China and India are key markets for pharmaceuticals manufacturing, estimated to account for up to 50% of materials for medicines.1

在中国, the power agreements would unlock renewable energy in Jiangsu, 广东, 上海和北京. The agreements are set to bring around 70 megawatts (MW) of renewable power annually to the grid from 2024 onwards. This would result in annual emissions savings of approximately 120,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), 相当于拿25,0002 驶离道路的汽车. 在印度, the initiative aims to support suppliers in Gujarat, 卡纳塔克邦, 中央邦, 马哈拉施特拉邦和泰米尔纳德邦. These collective efforts to progress renewable energy access demonstrate the power of collaboration at scale in these markets, and the convening power of the Sustainable Markets Initiative.

帕斯卡Soriot, 首席执行官, 澳门在线赌城娱乐, and Chair of the Sustainable Markets Initiative Health Systems Task Force said: “The world has finally woken up to the reality that the climate crisis is also a health crisis. 有了这一认识,必须大胆跟进, scalable action if we are to secure a liveable and sustainable future. Today’s announcement sends a positive demand signal for green power, 为其他人提供了一个效仿的蓝图, and underlines the SMI’s commitment to leading the decarbonisation of the healthcare sector.”

“全球, the health sector is responsible for approximately 5% of emissions, making it a significant contributor to climate change,谭德塞博士说, 总干事, 世界卫生组织. “This progress to accelerate the transition to renewable energy in pharmaceutical manufacturing in China and India is welcome news, and complements WHO’s work through the Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH), 让各国政府联合起来, the private sector and other partners to build climate-resilient and climate-friendly health systems in countries.”

The Health Systems Task Force is a public-private partnership launched at COP26. 今天在COP28之前的承诺, which marks the first global climate conference to have an official focus on health, 建立在 bold action already taken by the group to decarbonise healthcare.

The climate crisis is contributing to a rise in non-communicable and infectious diseases due to climate change, with seven million people dying prematurely each year from air pollution alone.3 同时, the healthcare sector is responsible for approximately 5% of total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). This is equivalent to up to twice the emissions of global aviation.4 Over half of the sector’s emissions are created in manufacturing 供应 chains, and energy consumed in these 供应 chains accounts for around 25% of total healthcare emissions.5

Earlier this year, Task Force members launched joint, minimum environmental targets for suppliers, calling on organisations to set science-based targets, and go beyond carbon emissions reductions to tackle water and waste. These targets have the potential to help address 3.5 million tonnes of CO2e per year across more than 100 of the members’ largest pharmaceutical suppliers alone.

超越供应链脱碳, Sustainable Markets Initiative Health Systems Task Force members are spurring progress to reduce the environmental footprint of healthcare delivery, which accounts for nearly half of the sector’s global emissions.

Recognising the importance of a harmonised method to measure and report the environmental impact of medicines and healthcare products, the Task Force has worked with the Pharmaceutical Environment Group (PEG) through a newly created consortium and NHS England to support the development of a sector-wide standard for medicines Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The consortium and NHS England intend to work with the British Standards Institution (BSI) to reach consensus among the sector’s stakeholder groups including healthcare systems, 供应商和专业人士, 代表机构, academics and patients to establish the standard. 在包括Quantis在内的专家的支持下, the delivery of this LCA standard will improve transparency and support the assessment and reduction of the environmental impact of medicines across their manufacture, 供应, 使用和产品寿命结束.

An international measurement framework is also being developed to calculate the carbon emissions from different patient care pathways. The aim is to identify the major drivers of emissions and ultimately reduce the environmental impact of healthcare delivery. The group is also examining how to quantify the carbon emissions of clinical trials. 除了, 新的工作流程, 以消费品制造商利洁时为首, will focus on the role consumer health and wellbeing can play in decarbonising the healthcare sector.

自工作队于2021年成立以来, suppliers and leading healthcare companies have been inspired to contribute to its efforts, demonstrating its broader positive influence across the sector. The Task Force recently welcomed three new members to contribute broader sectoral expertise:

  • 利洁时
  • 诺华制药
  • 保柏

另外, Lonza and 诺华制药 are involved in the Task Force’s efforts to procure renewable power in China, 和约翰逊 & Johnson, Pfizer and Takeda are contributing to the LCA initiative. The impact of the Task Force is also inspiring broader action in key jurisdictions. On 6 November, the Sustainable Markets Initiative China Council launched a Health Working Group 在上海. It is comprised of 16 Chinese health companies and members of the Health Systems Task Force. The Working Group aims to accelerate the delivery of sustainable healthcare in China, 具有更广泛的全球影响.

These diverse efforts solidify the commitment of this leading private-public partnership to reducing the environmental impact of health systems - from lab to patient - while delivering improved health outcomes.

Advancing health systems decarbonisation ahead of COP28


Founded by 查理三世国王陛下 in 2020, 作为威尔士亲王, the Sustainable Markets Initiative has become the world’s ‘go-to’ private sector organisation on transition. 于2021年推出 Terra的法令 serves as the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s mandate with a focus on accelerating positive results for Nature, People and Planet through real economy action. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org

可持续市场倡议’s Terra的法令

查理三世国王陛下, 作为威尔士亲王, launched the Terra的法令 at the One Planet Summit in January 2021. The Terra的法令 serves as the mandate for the Sustainable Markets Initiative and provides a practical roadmap for acceleration towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, 创新, 以及私营部门的资源. The Terra的法令 is supported by the 56 members of the Commonwealth, C40 Cities and the United Kingdom’s 13 Core Cities. 阅读更多: www.可持续市场.org/terra-carta.

可持续市场倡议 Health Systems Task Force

可持续市场倡议 Health Systems Task Force is a public-private partnership launched at COP26, comprising of healthcare companies (澳门在线赌城娱乐, 葛兰素史克公司, 诺和诺德公司, 默克集团, 罗氏公司, 三星生物制剂, 赛诺菲)世界卫生组织(WHO), UNICEF and key public sector partners (NHS England, Sustainable Healthcare Coalition and University of Pavia). Ahead of COP28, new Task Force members 保柏, 诺华制药 and 利洁时 joined the collaboration.

作为世卫组织领导的 Alliance for Transformative Action on Climate and Health (ATACH), the collaboration also aims to share its knowledge, 经验, and positive contribution with ATACH partners and over 70 countries worldwide.



1. Based on sales/value-based shares for APIs and Chemicals – DaxueConsulting (2020); Optimainsights (2019); European Fine Chemicals Group; Crisil, S&P Global (2019); CEFIC – European Chemical Industry Council (2021)

2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle. 在线. 可以在: http://www.环境保护署.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typical-passenger-vehicle [最后访问日期:2023年11月]

3. 国际能源署. 在线. 可以在: http://www.国际能源机构.org/energy-system/transport/aviation [最后访问日期:2023年11月]

4. 世界卫生组织空气污染. 在线. 可以在: http://www.谁.int /健康话题/空气污染= tab_2 #选项卡 [最后访问日期:2023年11月]

5. Accelerating the delivery of net zero health systems. 在线. 可以在:  [最后访问日期:2023年11月]


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